of, by and for teens
Jumat, 06 September 2013
Yogyakarta Students Reject Virginity Tests
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , YOGYAKARTA - Dozens of students in Yogyakarta action Virginity Tests rejected for entry to the school was under consideration by the Education Department Prabumulih , South Sumatra , at Kilometer Zero point Yogyakarta on Wednesday .
Action performed by dozens of students in Yogyakarta from various levels of education was also carried out in order to commemorate the International Youth Day 2013.
" On this International Youth Day , we reject the discourse Virginity Tests . Was our value as women's actions interfere with personal authority , " said Coordinator of Action Arnusani Rohmatika on the sidelines of the action in Yogyakarta on Wednesday .
According to him , these tests it could potentially be a form of violence and discrimination against women especially adolescents with long-term effects that can be caused .
The test , he said , has absolutely no relevance to the level or quality of one's education .
In addition , dozens of teens are also demanding an increase in the protection of the government related to map the risks experienced by adolescents , whether physical , psychological , social , sexual and economic .
Problems experienced by teenagers , according to him , is also not uncommon to turn around to position young people as victims and perpetrators pure .
" We hope that the protection of juveniles could be improved except for school youth , street youth , the disabled , to teenage domestic workers ( PRT ) , " he said .
It was , according to him , in accordance with the Act ( the Act ) 23 of 2002 on the protection of children who set the state's obligation to provide the maximum protection to the child categorized citizens .
Moreover , he added, Yogyakarta also has a Regional Regulation 3 of 2012 on the Protection of Women and Children .
" The fulfillment of the rights of the child or adolescent will run if the regulation applied together . We as civil society escort role , " he said
Virginity Tests In School Youth
As with the
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) East Java, East Java MUI chairman, said that virginity testing is very necessary in order to minimize the immoral acts among adolescents.
Prabumulih own city government explained that the test is intended to filter out students who are morally good and morally bad. Added again if that was not a virgin could be included package C program.
while from the point of view of religion mentioned, forbidden for him to see someone genitals without a clear purpose.
District Youth Forum. Onair in Kulon Progo in Yogyakarta RRI Pro 2 Pro Teen event at 08:00 .pm until the voice suggested teenagers as juvenile representation in Yogyakarta.
"The test is of course a lot of negativ impact on sisiwi stated this was not a virgin, the government (Prabumulih) should think 1000 times to conduct such tests." Ragin said Prasedewo Youth Forum coordinator of Kulon Progo.
Kamis, 05 September 2013
New at the end of august yesterday exactly on August 29, Youth Forum Kulon Progo-Yogyakarta-Indonesia, following the carnival to commemorate Indonesia's independence day to 68. with participants numbering about 150 that uses fashion in accordance with the theme, namely gender equality. advance gender equality issues in rural and remote areas is very weak. women who become easy targets of discrimination by men. so that by taking this issue. wates urban community at large understand how the role of women in a career also need to get the recognition and the men are not only outside the home, the terms, household chores should be clear divisions, so that the realization of a harmonious household.
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013
The serious problem of how we Teens
The serious problem of how we Teens
Wednesday, 10/07/2013 11:39 PM - By: Mardiya
Adolescents (aged 10-24 years) have a large population, since about one fifth of the world's population proved to be a teenage boy. In Indonesia alone, according to the results of the 2010 Population Census, the population of older children currently account for no less than 67 million inhabitants. Assuming if the total population of Indonesia is currently about 237.6 million, the proportion of older children we reach 28% of the total population.
Adolescence is a period of transition or the transition from childhood to adulthood. At this time, teens are often faced with uncertainty regarding their status, on the one hand they are no longer recognized as a child, but on the other hand they can not be said to be mature because not able to fulfill the tasks of adults. This condition is also referred to as a time of typhoons and storms. This uncertainty makes teens to be embarrassed, they do not know what to do in the face of uncertainty.
In adolescence, a child under Sumarwi Astuti (2008) expected to be able to adapt to the social environment ranging from family, friends, schools and communities. Teens no longer hang out at home or at school, but teens supposedly able to build new relationships with other adults. Therefore youth should prepare themselves for a wide range of individual and social situations, so teens can adapt to the new social environment.
In psychosocial development, Soetjiningsih (2004) divides adolescence into three parts: (1) early adolescence / early (early adolescence) aged 11-13 years, (2) mid-adolescence (middle adolescence) age 14-16 years; and (3) advanced adolescence (late adolescence) aged 17-20 years. The term adolescence is derived from the Latin word meaning adolescere "grow or grow to reach maturity". According to Hurlock (1991) Adolescence has a sense of maturity which includes physical, mental, emotional and social ...
YouthBlast Yogyakarta 2013 by UNFPA INDONESIA
For this time the Youth Forum Youth Forum Kulonprogro with the city of Yogyakarta, Sleman Youth Forum and Youth Forum Bantul, Indonesia to attend the UNFPA World Population Days in IFI (Institut Francaise Indonesia) Sagan, Yogyakarta.
YouthBlast Girls Empowerment is the theme: Shaping the Future and consists of 7 Talks. namely:
Talks # 1. Girls Empowerment: Shaping the Future by Ms. Alissa Wahid.
Talks # 2. Healthy Relationship among Young People by Ms. Nur Hidayati Handy, ARIicaksono, WRI.
Talks # 3. Awareness on Violence Against Women and Girl by Ms. Supreme Sita W.
Talks # 4. Engaging Man and Boys in Ending Gender Based Violence by Rifka Anissa / New Men Alliance (TBC).
Talks # 5. Media and Cyberspace to Support Girls Empowerment by Denis Adishwara (TBC).
Early Marriage and Adolescent Pregnancy by Ms. Dyah Arviyanti.
Talks # 6. Yogyakarta Youth: Facts, Problems, and Actions by Yogyakarta Youth Forum.
Talks # 7. Youth & SRHR: UNFPA's Initiative on ASRH Services by Ms. Margaretha Sitanggang.
This event takes place from 08:00 until 15:00
event was attended by a diverse community, ranging from HIV and AIDS care community, LGBTIQ community and communities concerned about gender equality. amounted to a total of 76 people. event was opened by Mr. Jose Ferraris as the Representative of UNFPA Indonesia and DIY BKKBN chairman Mr
Furthermore the first session of the Girls Empowerment dikusi with the younger brother of former President KH. Alissa Wahid Abdurrahman Wahid, who led the discussion with great enthusiasm and 'meremaja' who said that the importance of the female population as a key population in balancing gender equality
The second event is a healthy discussion with the theme of courtship by one of the representatives of the Alliance of Independent Teen Mom Nur Hidayati in which we are told how to maintain healthy relationships and
The third event discussion of awareness about the risk of violence against women and girls.
The fourth event is a discussion on Engaging men and boys in Ending Gender-based Violence with Rifka Annisa who said that not all men are the source of violence against women, even men can be victims of violence themselves.
The fifth event is how to maximize youth participation in the dissemination of information on sexuality and reproductive health education either through mass media and social networking in the virtual world presented by Denis Adhiswara.
The sixth event of a community that shares our beloved DIY Forum Youth struggle for the rights of the juvenile and reproductive health of adolescents themselves are hosted by our friend Ayu Dwi
and the last session the share of UNFPA Indonesia regarding the follow-up problem solving related Friendly Services Youth youth in Indonesia. UNFPA Indonesia plans to facilitate youth in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta Special Region free of charge or for free! Access course on sexuality and reproductive health of adolescents.
Thus we review some of the activities last week, do not forget to continue to refer to the news and action from the Youth Forum Kulon Progo, only in THIS BLOG!
Greetings TEENS!
Open with Ramadhan 1434H Part 1

Selasa, 23 April 2013
"Creative Jogja" show the creativity of Yogyakarta
(ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta City Government will hold the "Jogja
Creative" on Sunday (21/4) located on Jalan Sudirman from intersection
to intersection of three four Scholastic Terban, to show the creativity
of the people of Yogyakarta.
"In the first activity, the theme is fashion, crafts, and folk art," said Committee Chairman "Jogja Creative" Tri Hastono in Yogyakarta on Wednesday.
According to him, the event will be held regularly once every month on the third week with a different theme each month.
Activity lasted for four hours, from 06.00 am until 10.00 am so that these roads will be closed completely.
"In every activity, will be displayed directly on the process of creativity actors art there. We will also invite students like SMK Negeri 3 Bantul and artists from the region," he said.
Society, he added, can know and enjoy the creative process for free. "In addition to being one of the new destinations, this activity can be used as a form of 'car free day' in Yogyakarta," he continued.
300 meters of road was chosen as the location for the implementation of the "Creative Jogja" as assessed have adequate width and path pretty much ventilation so that when the roads are closed, it will not interfere with the flow of traffic on the other road.
Visitors can take advantage of a number of locations such as parking lots for parking Building Hartono, former Terban Market, junction field Terban. The committee will also coordinate with the Army Museum and the office of any political party for parking locations.
"The committee seeks to do the whole 'off street parking' for incoming parcels that do not interfere with traffic," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Development of Tourist Attractions of Tourism and Culture of Yogyakarta Andrini Wirawati say, in the early stages of "Jogja Creative" will be carried out for six months.
"Although it is planned once a month, but did not rule if the activity is carried out once a week if it gets a good response from the public," he said.
Culture and Tourism Department of Yogyakarta will feature arts potential of each region, tailored to the theme.
Meanwhile, the head of SMK Negeri 3 Bantul Supriyono Rahmat said it will display 75 students in these activities.
"We will show a variety of creative processes ranging from art installations, creative music and a variety of other works of art," he said.
"In the first activity, the theme is fashion, crafts, and folk art," said Committee Chairman "Jogja Creative" Tri Hastono in Yogyakarta on Wednesday.
According to him, the event will be held regularly once every month on the third week with a different theme each month.
Activity lasted for four hours, from 06.00 am until 10.00 am so that these roads will be closed completely.
"In every activity, will be displayed directly on the process of creativity actors art there. We will also invite students like SMK Negeri 3 Bantul and artists from the region," he said.
Society, he added, can know and enjoy the creative process for free. "In addition to being one of the new destinations, this activity can be used as a form of 'car free day' in Yogyakarta," he continued.
300 meters of road was chosen as the location for the implementation of the "Creative Jogja" as assessed have adequate width and path pretty much ventilation so that when the roads are closed, it will not interfere with the flow of traffic on the other road.
Visitors can take advantage of a number of locations such as parking lots for parking Building Hartono, former Terban Market, junction field Terban. The committee will also coordinate with the Army Museum and the office of any political party for parking locations.
"The committee seeks to do the whole 'off street parking' for incoming parcels that do not interfere with traffic," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Development of Tourist Attractions of Tourism and Culture of Yogyakarta Andrini Wirawati say, in the early stages of "Jogja Creative" will be carried out for six months.
"Although it is planned once a month, but did not rule if the activity is carried out once a week if it gets a good response from the public," he said.
Culture and Tourism Department of Yogyakarta will feature arts potential of each region, tailored to the theme.
Meanwhile, the head of SMK Negeri 3 Bantul Supriyono Rahmat said it will display 75 students in these activities.
"We will show a variety of creative processes ranging from art installations, creative music and a variety of other works of art," he said.
He even hoped that these activities could be held regularly once a week.
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