As with the
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) East Java, East Java MUI chairman, said that virginity testing is very necessary in order to minimize the immoral acts among adolescents.
Prabumulih own city government explained that the test is intended to filter out students who are morally good and morally bad. Added again if that was not a virgin could be included package C program.
while from the point of view of religion mentioned, forbidden for him to see someone genitals without a clear purpose.
District Youth Forum. Onair in Kulon Progo in Yogyakarta RRI Pro 2 Pro Teen event at 08:00 .pm until 09:00.pm the voice suggested teenagers as juvenile representation in Yogyakarta.
"The test is of course a lot of negativ impact on sisiwi stated this was not a virgin, the government (Prabumulih) should think 1000 times to conduct such tests." Ragin said Prasedewo Youth Forum coordinator of Kulon Progo.
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